A review by michellef
Looking for Leroy by Melody Carlson


Looking For Leroy is a clean contemporary romance novel by author Melody Carlson. Looking For Leroy is a second chance romance story.

The school was out for the summer and Brynna Philips, along with Jan Barton, headed out on a single girls adventure. Leroy Sorrentino was a vintner in Sonoma County, California.

This summer is the 140th anniversary of the Sorrentino vineyard. The last thing widower Leroy Sorrentino wanted was for his daughter, Gina, to quit college and become a vintner. However, Gina had her own plan.

I appreciated the clean writing of author Melody Carlson. Readers who have ever wondered what happened to their first love will appreciate Looking For Leroy. Looking For Leroy makes a great summertime read for all adult readers.

I give Looking For Leroy 5*/5*

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