A review by bexhobson
Memoir of a Race Traitor by Mab Segrest



"It is my belief that racism shapes all political movements in the United States, for better and for worse, but because white people so seldom talk about how we are affected by racism, we don't understand how to counter it."

"What I mean is a less lonely society, where we think collectively about resources for the common good, rather than struggling individually against each other for material and psychic health."

"If we could decide who could not come into our church, then it was just a building that belonged to us, not God."

"Leah affirmed my instincts to build not just coalitions, but movements grounded in relationships. .. The result was friendships that come among people who catalyze changes in each other. Our work carried a lot of risk, but the risk gave us occasions to develop substantial trust."

"Individuals project onto others the characteristics they cannot accept in themselves, then control, punish or eradicate the objects of those projections. Our identities, structured as they are on what we hate, resist or fear, are disturbingly unstable."

"There is a lot to be done, but how we go about it is also important. Because all we have ever had is each other."

"It is the failure to feel the communal bonds between humans, I think, and the punishment that undoubtedly came to those Europeans who did, that allowed the "community of the lie" to grow so genocidally in the soil of the "New World."

"White democracy, it seems, gets built on the backs of people of color, a fact that gives white people a very different subjective experience of U.S. democracy than many people of color."