A review by airxsouls
A Curse of Frost and Fate by Verika Sloane


I received a copy from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.
Our aesthetic and worldbuilding in this one can be a great read around the holidays and fill that void of something to set the mood. But sadly think a lot of this fell short for me after I hit the halfway mark. There was a lot of promise in the description and the idea of a Nutcracker retelling but I don't think this necessarily lived up to that.

Maybe if it was reworked and some things changed I would probably be able to give it 4 stars instead of 3. I wasn't a big fan of the main character as she came off as really unlikeable and somewhat spoiled but with no purpose to it or redemption relating to that. So I think it wasn't intended but it honestly made it worse. Maybe I'll come back to this eventually.