A review by heyitskai
Are We All Lemmings and Snowflakes? by Holly Bourne


4.5 ⭐

When I first picked it up I wasn't sure I would like it for two reasons - (1) all the trigger warnings this book has and (2) because of the current state of my own mental health. Surprisingly, though, I did really, really, really like it. A big commitment saying this but this just might be my favorite book I've read by Holly Bourne to this date.

It was hard to read at times as I struggle with my own MH problems as well but to my big surprise, I didn't mind it very much. Olive was a BIG character, not just because, you know, she's the main character, but because in my opinion she's just such an intricate one.

I could resonate with most of the people from the Prime Numbers group at different times. It also felt like I was PART of the group, working out the algorithm and starting the kindness virus project. Also, since I wrote "part" in all caps I think it's an appropriate time to mention I actually liked the fact that Holly Bourne wrote a lot of things in caps. Because sometimes that's exactly what your mind does - screams at you. I'm not sure if that was her intention but I'm taking the freedom to interpret it like that.

Also, since most of the books I read I get from the local library then... I NEED to get my hands on this book because it just spoke to me on so many different levels and I have to annotate the hell out of it.