A review by shelflife
The Ascendant by Drew Chapman


A pretty fun, easy fast paced techno-finance-political thriller, with a young, snarky, complicated hero, Garrett Reilly.

I needed a quick, mind numbing read and this was almost the perfect read that. I say almost because it wasn't exactly mind numbing. This was a pretty sharp book using a numbers genius who carries a whole lot of negative baggage. He's handsome, smart, young and has buckets full of attitude and anger when one day he's recruited by the government to help them in an experimental program called the ascendant.

How do you fight wars without shedding any blood? a war of outwitting your enemy at every turning loose tech savvy media and finance geeks loose on the unsuspecting world of political games. A pretty exciting roller coater ride for what it is. Not a lot of depth, but good fun.