A review by mothandnessieread
In the Jaded Grove by Anela Deen


I may have just found another favorite book! Even though this story took me a bit to get into, I ended up really enjoying it and absolutely loving the characters. I don’t often see a mix of fantasy and reality quite like this, and I loved it! Aside from the characters, I also loved the whole plot of this story. The quest they embarked on in order to obtain freedom for themselves and others from their true names was so fun. It was pretty new to me, too, for a human character to still be helpful and powerful during this quest. The teamwork the author wrote into the quest was so natural and fun to read. All in all, I really enjoyed this book and I highly recommend it for other fantasy fans out there. I received a free copy of this story from Hidden Gems and am choosing to leave an honest review of it.