A review by tawfek
Batman (1940-2011) #404 by Frank Miller


Here i am at long last reading batman from a very good starting point , i tried to search a little this time to know where exactly i can start batman and don't feel like i am in over my head.
The atmosphere of this story is very tense, which is really hard to do and make your reader feel that way.
we see young bruce wayne returning to gotham, was it from training?
he checks out the city, checking his enemy and gets into a fight where the person he tried to save stabs him !
in the end of the issue bruce gets the idea of becoming a bat to strike fear into his enemies.
we also see james gordon arrive to gotham for the first time, he gets there by train to check his enemy up close, he is expecting a baby and hoping it doesn't come, cause gotham is not a place to raise a family, talk about tension everywhere.
I am really excited to move on with my batman reading project, probably into next year as well.
i just hope all the projects i left half done doesn't spoil my plans for batman.