A review by chymerra
No Witness But the Moon by Suzanne Chazin


This is the first book I have ever read by Suzanne Chazin and I absolutely loved it. Because of the world we live in, everyone lives under a microscope, including the police. So when a police officer shoots an unarmed man, it makes national news. This story is about a police shooting. It is also about illegal immigrants, which is another hot topic in America. So combine these two hot topics and you get a story that keeps you riveted to the pages.

I liked Jimmy’s character, a lot. But I do think that him pushing off seeing the psychologist right after the shooting and not taking his friends (and Adele’s) advice about lying low was stupid. Real stupid and it made me kinda shake my head. But, he did get some good solid leads about his mother’s murder and his own impending court case.

Adele’s character was written great and I loved how torn she was on Jimmy’s shooting case. When the going got hot (pressure by the board of the local immigrant center + a TV personality who wanted her to join his cause against Jimmy), she didn’t buckle under pressure and kept her cool. Which meant distancing herself from Jimmy while investigating his case on her own.

The trio of storylines (Jimmy’s, his mother’s death and the other one….not giving it away) were tied together beautifully at the end. The twist that happened in the last chapters of the book kept me awake afterwards going “No way, not this person”. I also loved how the author resolved each storyline in a way that no one else got hurt (well Jimmy did, but you will have to read the book….lol).

How many stars will I give No Witness But the Moon? 5

Why? Like I said in my first sentence, this book takes 2 hot topics (police shootings and illegal immigrants) and skillfully tells a tale that intertwines both.

Will I reread? Yes

Will I recommend to family and friends? Yes

Age range? Adult

Why? No sex. Violence, which includes a pretty vivid description of a head being blown off at below the chin.