A review by sonny
Choosing You by Kris Jayne


**Actually a 4.5-rating**

This book was close to being a solid 5-star read for me but I couldn’t help but get this "spidey-sense" that the storytelling was going to take a cheap "out" and force a Dramatic/Angsty twist.

I was fully prepared for something to go wrong.

We saw the two MCs, an engaged couple -- Jeff & Taryn... all over Book 1 since the female MC of that story is in their wedding party and a BFF of the Bride-to-Be.

Anyway, the Jeff's Ex makes a terrible return after being gone for 5-yrs; the Ex also becomes a secondary proportional character to this couple as the an OW and the "mother to Olivia", the poor daughter Jeff has been rearing as she struggles to learn who this stranger [her Bio-Mom] is who loved drugs and theft more than being her mother.

Taryn, our female MC is prepared to sign adoption papers to become Olivia's Mom as she has known her for 2yrs and about to marry her father, Jeff, in a month or so.

Thing is as Jeff sends a PI to investigate and find/locate his Ex he stirs up her interest and as she's been sobering for 6-months on probation, she returns to show a sudden interest. As in...not just wanting to be Mom to Olivia, but also a wife to Jeff.

Taryn, with her good instincts and conscience feels the dreaded Ex has returned for only terrible reasons...and man was she more than right.

Jeff, of course had to play favorites and well, he kept getting upset with Taryn over his EX and giving his Ex way-too many 2nd, 3rd and 4th chances.

I was really perturbed how the wedding was still going strong and no one called it off, even for a brief time...and then...

... AND THEN!!!!! the Ex's lies and secrets caught up to her... to Jeff, to Olivia and to Taryn specifically putting her Life in peril.

THIS is why it loses a half-star from being perfect...I mean I saw it from a mile away and yeah, it irked me but what irked me more was how listless and passive Taryn was about her very LIFE being in danger and how she could've died and never gotten married...and a simple, "sorry, you were right, you did tell me this would happen" from Jeff appeased Taryn and they still got married.

Oh, and The Ex is getting her own book which is the next one up -- Book 2...I dunno if I want to read it.

I think she was written in certain ways for me to be sympathetic, or empathetic, as a possible redeemable character who has major flaws, but man she went too-too-too far in way-too many ways.