A review by caitlin192
Right After the Weather by Carol Anshaw


It was interesting to think back to the uncertain times leading up to and after the 2016 election, particularly from the POV of a marginalized group.

Cate can't understand how she finds herself 40 something, divorced, and unlucky in both love and career when everyone else seems to have the whole "adulting" thing down. Just as her career takes a turn for the better, she walks in on her best friend being brutally attacked, and then must deal with the fallout.

The concept of the book is interesting enough - how far we'll go for those we love, and I liked the sort of coming of age in midlife plot. Other than that, the plot seems wandering at times. Some threads are set forth and then never tied up.

I had trouble connecting with this one, but the writing was beautiful and I'd read more by this author.