A review by mcoppadge07
The Magestaff by Cordelia Castel


I am so happy Cendrilla was rewritten and is now The Magestaff. I wanted to like Cendrilla but I didn’t. This version is so much better then the original!

Cendrilla was much more believable in this book. She actually had depth which I don’t think she had in the first version. I’ve never liked Jack and still don’t. Pansy is the word that comes to mind. Not a very flattering word but that’s the best word I can think of. I wish he would’ve grown as a character. I wish he could’ve been more on Rilla’s level. She was SO strong and he was not. Yes he’s been through hell and back and I’m all for the woman to be stronger then the man and the man to have a vulnerable side but the majority of the time I felt like Jack was very young or naive and it just wasn’t a good look.

Note: Most of my reviews focus mainly on the characters but that’s pretty much what makes or breaks a book for me. If the characters have no depth or personality then why am I reading a book about them?