A review by karlakayjenniges
The Bedwetter: Journal of a Budding Psychopath by Lee Allen Howard


“To be lost,” I say, “you gotta belong somewhere.”

This is a deep, disturbing, often quite brutal story told to us by the protagonist, Russell Pisarek.
He is writing his journal to let the world know his story. The brutal abuse he has had to endure as a child, never given love, often ignored, beaten and bullied. All because he was never wanted. He is very immature and deeply troubled.

Raised by a sadistic mother, and an ignorant father. His mother punishes him for wetting in his bed. Inflicting shame and pain upon him, he begins to have horrible nightmares, nightmares that are so disturbing from the abuse that it causes him to wet in his bed even more and long into his adult life.

The psychological damage it has caused has turned him into a psychopath with deep wanting to fulfill his own sadistic desires. The desire to control and meet his uncontrollable and unnatural sexual cravings. He has no control over his anger and when his temper flares he does not hesitate to inflict harmful intentions against animals and humans alike. Most often ending in death.

~I have read many biographies about serial killers. Most often it stems from abuse as a child. They begin by harming animals and that follows into killing humans. These are deeply disturbed souls.
This is what this book reminds me of. This could easily be a reflection of a true life serial killer. We really have no idea what types of thoughts they actually endure in the deep recesses of their minds.

~Gritty, dark, and terrifying. It produced feelings of sadness, abhorrence and made my blood run cold.

*Please be aware and mindful of the warning in the description.