A review by charshorrorcorner
Mother's Boys by Daniel I. Russell, Blood Bound Books


3.5 stars!
When I saw this book come up for review on Horror After Dark, I claimed it for my own. See, back in 2012 I read this short story titled "Fluffs" and I loved it. I immediately purchased another book by this author,"Samhane", but as so often happens these days, I haven't had time yet to read it. I was excited to sit down with this one.

This was a nasty tale...not nasty like porno nasty, but nasty like EWWWW nasty. It was not completely original, but there were some surprising turns, and that definitely had an effect on my rating.

Most horror lovers have encountered tales of mutant, scary, underground dwellers before and I dare say most of us have read plenty about psychopathic rapists and killers as well. The difference in this book is the reader is rooting for one of these groups. Which group? You will need to read this to find out.

Mr. Russell creates some interesting characters and a couple of cliche ones. A few of the underground scenes were not believable to my mind, however, the creativity of the author's imagination mostly made up for that. (Yeah, you will remember that baby pram for a long time!) The quality of the prose was okay and the pacing of this tale was rather quick. I wouldn't have minded a little more originality, but I did end up enjoying this book as a whole.
Recommended for fans of underground mutant horror!

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