A review by readunderthestars23
The Silent Invasion by James Bradley


I received a copy of The Silent Invasion from Pan Macmillan New Zealand to review. This is the first book in the Change trilogy.

I haven’t read a lot of alien invasion stories but the ones I have read I’ve enjoyed. So I was looking forward to reading this. The invasion in this series is completely different to anything I’ve ever read. But in a good way. I really want to know what this infection is and what it means when the things, people, animals and plants, change and what they change into… I’ll have to read the other books in the trilogy to get answers. Hopefully.

There was one thing that bugged me about The Silent Invasion though. I’m not into the ‘insta-love’ storylines but this came out of nowhere. One minute Callie is in a life and death situation and the next she’s apparently in love. But later it sounds like this guy is just a distraction from the fact that Callie’s sister is Changing. I get why she’d want distracting from losing the only family member she had left. But either the guy was a distraction or she loved him I’m not sure it came be both…

Aside from that I liked the story and the ending had a very surprising cliffhanger. I wanted to read the next book before I even read the ending because I had some questions about the invasion, the Change and Callie’s dad. But now I want to know what’s going on.

If you like aliens, invasions and creepy stuff that has people changing into something alien then I’d recommend giving The Silent Invasion a try.