A review by amac_reads
Utopia PR by Adam Bender


Blake Hamner is great at what he does. But his job isn’t great for his life outside of work. As the Crisis Communications Manager for the president, his job is to spin stories that keep Our Leader looking great and his opposition looking like fools. This is easier said than done. Blake’s wife is a news anchor, so they have a rule that they don’t talk about work. But this means that they don’t have much to talk about, and they find themselves drifting further apart. Can Blake keep up the demands of his work and still have a happy, fulfilling marriage? Or will the steel hound get him first?

I don’t normally read works like this, but I found myself enjoying it immensely. The author has a way with words that is extremely entertaining. It was perfect for this light science fiction and dystopian setting. I was expecting the work to be a bit more science fiction heavy, but the focus was on the political aspect of the setting and a related social commentary.

While I didn’t find myself becoming drawn into the characters, they were well written overall. They had unique personalities and voices with relatable and varying motivations. The career versus marriage aspect of the story added some believable tension to the work as well.

I listened to the audiobook version of this book. The narrator was an excellent choice. His voice was perfect for relaying Hamner’s point of view, and while the voices weren’t extremely varied, there was enough difference to tell characters apart.

This was an enjoyable work of satire. The situations were often quite humorous, but sometimes I found myself thinking they were a little closer to truth than I wanted them to be. If you enjoy satire, social commentary, humorous dystopia, or light science fiction, this book is for you.

I received a complimentary copy of this work through NetGalley. All opinions expressed in this review are my own.