A review by bookstoashes
The Awakening by Caroline Peckham, Susanne Valenti


2 Stars

I have feelings about this book, mostly bad but somehow not entirely. I honestly don't even know where to start, so I guess I'll just list it to make it easier for myself:

-I couldn't tell Darcy and Tory apart. I still don't know who is who anymore so I just kind of read and hope for the best since they're both flat, and overly similar. Twins are usually not identical in personality, and also not this boring surely.

-The writing. It felt like something I'd write in high school. Some sentences were awkward and simply put, I just wasn't impressed by it. I'm shocked this book has such a high rating from the writing alone.

-The Heirs. Ugh where do I even start. I don't know who I should hate the most honestly. I suppose I'd say Caleb considering he enjoys doing things when consent is taken away. Here's an example of a line he said **Spoilers from quote below of what type of Fae Caleb is**

“Fine. Bite me then if you have to,” I said, holding out my wrist with the faint idea that he might take it rather than biting my neck again.
“It’s not as much fun if you just accept it willingly,” Caleb complained.

I'm not sure why this is meant to be hot, but it's not. The twins pretty much begin to accept being assaulted constantly, the lack of consent is gross, and I have no idea how I'm supposed to not hate these guys. Seth is a close second to my level of hate. Third is Darius; he seems hottest to me but I still don't like him considering he's still an ass. Lastly Max, since he barely had any time in this book which confuses me. Maybe he'll show up later on? Or was he a token character? Who knows.

The only male love interest I kind of like is Orion, although even he himself is problematic at times, he at least has some redeeming qualities.
Site Note: I have no idea how this book isn't poly, and I'm disappointed that it isn't.

-The Twins attitude towards Geraldine. I get she's annoying but she's one of the ONLY characters in this book who actually treat Tory and Darcy nicely, but they essentially call her annoying and weird, and try to get away from her at all costs. They could be a bit kinder and maybe talk to her but I doubt these two know how to at this point.

If you like books like the House of Night series, HP, Twilight, Crave, essentially a book in a school setting with magic or supernatural beings, then this might work for you. It just felt too young (though it's not, it's in the NA range) but at the same time too problematic. Will I read more? Probably. Not because it's a good series but because I want to see what happens.

I've heard that the books and Heirs get better, that the romance and twins get better too, so I'm going to count on those people and hope that it does. Not to mention it's sometimes fun to fly through a bad book once in a while, so I apologize to the people who enjoyed this and let's see if my mind changes as I go. Fingers crossed!