A review by rereader33
Horimiya, Vol. 5 by HERO


Okay kiddos, strap yourselves in cuz this is gonna be one HELL of a rant concerning Hori's love interest that was introduced this volume.

SPOILERS AHEAD (Assuming you care).

So, when I first read this volume three or four years ago, I remember being SUPER PISSED with Sawada's character, more specifically how Hori handles her. Hori is initially pissed at Sawada because she thinks Sawada has a crush on Miyamura, but once she learns Sawada is actually crushing on HER, she's totally okay with her. Hori is so okay with this that she gets on Miyamura's case because he and Sawada don't get along. Yes, Hori is annoyed that HER BOYFRIEND IS MAD THAT A GIRL IS ACTIVELY CRUSHING ON HORI. And I don't mean Sawada's pining from a distance; she waits for Hori so they can walk home together, she bakes cookies to give to her, and is always trying to talk to her. Bare in mind that Hori has been shown to be AGGRESSIVELY JEALOUS AND HOSTILE to ANY GIRL who seems interested in Miyamura, but Miyamura is EXPECTED to get along with Sawada because Hori doesn't care that Sawada's crushing on her as long as she isn't interested in Miyamura. Yeah, I think you can guess why I was so pissed.

But you must be asking yourself, "wait, you're not pissed anymore? Why's that?" Well, my dear readers, it's because it dawned on me while rereading this volume that this is SO FUCKING CONSISTENT WITH HORI'S CHARACTER IT'S INCREDIBLE. Hori has been portrayed, up until this point, as someone who is fiercely possessive of someone else but doesn't want/need others to be possessive of her, even Miyamura. As long as she knows Miyamura only has eyes for her, no other love interest appeals to her. She's also been shown to try to make amends with others and is capable of interacting with people she's originally had trouble with (i.e. Remi). With all this in mind, it makes perfect sense that she would be possessive of Miyamura but not be bothered by someone who's interested in her since she's so secure in her relationship with Miyamura. Something else that caught my eye upon reread is her thinking to herself, "I wish they'd think about how I feel..." which is a sentiment that could be easily overlooked because most people (myself included) would be on Miyamura's side and want Sawada to leave Hori alone. However, if Hori's okay with Sawada being around since she has no intention of leaving Miyamura and Miyamura's quarrels with Sawada are bothering Hori, it's actually MORE unfair for Hori to have to deal with the constant bickering, ESPECIALLY since SHE'S Sawada's love interest. Do I necessarily agree with her? No and I don't necessarily think teens should mirror Hori's behavior, but I'm just so damn impressed that Hero knew this was the most appropriate route for her character, even if it's not the healthiest from an objective standpoint.

Rant aside, this was just a fucking fun volume from start to finish, and I LOVED the chapter where Hori's watching horror movies with Kyousuke. She's such an incredible sadist and I kind of love her. Another great volume for a great series.