A review by sunshinesusan
Symphony for a Deadly Throne by E.J. Mellow


Endlessly Disappointing.

I read this book all the way through hoping that once-- just once--
Zimri would make a decision that wasn't naive, selfish, or just fucking shitty. Nope! He remains petulant and unlikable all the way through. This, from a dude that spent the better part of his life as a protege of the Thief King?! C'mon.

And that's not even to touch on the fact that
he utterly betrayed Arabessa, undermined and disrespected her and removed her agency by using his powers against her when he swore he wouldn't. How weak can you be?!
. You know who does that!? Villains. 

All in all, it was chock-full of plot holes, endless platitudes, and an exorbitant amount of moralizing as it tried desperately to make the case that the way it treated its heroine was somehow okay. I just feel so let down, and to think I'd hoped the series would improve from book 1. Ugh.