A review by botal93
Pictures of You by Leta Blake


Jeez. This was too good, and so, SO addictive.

I honestly picked it up without even reading the blurb. I'd had it on my Kindle for months and just skipped over it, for some reason not expecting much.

How wrong I was. It was fabulous .

I've really been struggling with M/M lately, nothing has really grabbed me. And now I know why. I've read a few mostly if not completely sexless, angst free stories that looking back, were fairly mundane. And then I found this. This beautiful, gripping story.

It was hot right off the bat - Adam felt so real that I even found myself fancying him a bit at the start. He was everything I think every gay guy dreads. Seemingly perfect, but unable to be his true self - all you can see is the guy you think you love, but gradually, he's just treating you like crap. I liked him, but also raged at him and loathed him more than once.

Peter is just the cutest little doll. He's so relatable and so interesting. I enjoyed how real his naivety felt, and I so badly want him to realise how much better he can do and deserves.

The side characters are also perfectly crafted and really bring a lot to the story. I was fascinated by Peter's parents and the story of his Uncle. Robert/Renée was fabulous, and everyone else was great. I felt awful for Leslie consistently.

This book was an emotional rollercoaster for me. I fully and unashamedly blubbed through parts of it, swooned & melted at others, and lost track of time constantly while whizzing through it- even pretty much abandoning other reads (which never really happens.)

I should also mention the steam. This is packed with sex, and it's written really, really well. It's hot, brings a lot to the story and plot and is just what I needed right now to restore my interest in M/M. *chef's kiss*

I usually find it impossible to rate my top books of the year, but this is right up there with The Heart's Invisible Furies and Bear, Otter & The Kid . An absolute must read and an easy 5 stars.