A review by blackwolf294
Blackfish City by Sam J. Miller


2.5 stars for this one. It was really hard to get into at the beginning, mostly because I was a bit lost. I didn't quite understand everything going on at the beginning, because the world building wasn't very clear or easy to understand at first. After a while, I had a firm grasp on the world and how it worked, and after that, it was easy to get pulled in by the story. I would say after about halfway, I had a hard time putting it down. In the end, I ended up with a vivid picture of this world and found it quite interesting.

The characters are diverse and intriguing. This is definitely a character-driven novel. It's not action-packed, and though there is intrigue, it's not a straight-up mystery either. It's the characters and their personal struggles and relationships that drive the plot forward rather than a mystery or outside conflict (though there are many). The writing style is very poetic, and in that way it's quite unique and different from what I usually read.

While I was reading this, it actually reminded me a lot of another floating city book I read: China Mieville's The Scar. Other than the setting, The Scar also has a similar writing style, though the world building in that book was a bit better.

Overall, I enjoyed this book. It was slow, but character-driven novels usually are. I am left with a positive feeling about this book after reading it, but I am just not blown away by it.