A review by nicklindgren
Machine of Death: A Collection of Stories about People Who Know How They Will Die by Matthew Bennardo, Ryan North, David Malki


The high concept pitch for this anthology: "The Machine of Death requires a single drop of blood - upon analyzing this blood, the machine spits out a piece of paper which describes how the blood's owner will die. The Machine loves dramatic irony. GO!"

Each of these stories contains one author's approach to writing a story in which the machine exists, and at least one (sometimes more) pieces of paper the Machine produces are relevant to the plot. To say too much more is to give something away, and this is an anthology that greatly benefits from an unspoiled reading experience.

The only thing keeping this book from being five stars is that only about 60-70% of the stories are mind-blowingly awesome, and the rest are merely really awesome to slightly better than okay. Still - AWESOME!

The official website for the book is http://machineofdeath.net/ - it is available in a ridiculously large number of formats, and I've been extremely impressed with the quality of the paperback, given that this is an indie printing.