A review by passifloraincarnata
In Search of Mycotopia: Citizen Science, Fungi Fanatics, and the Untapped Potential of Mushrooms by Doug Bierend

Did not finish book. Stopped at 47%.
I did not think it was possible to write a book about fungi that was woke. 

Boy, was I wrong.  Why politicize fungi?  This book talks about the screechy political scene around fungi enthusiasts more than it talks about fungi. 

As if that wasn't enough, the writer also adopts the space-wasting "you-are-there journalism" style that's currently popular for filling out word counts when you've got nothing to say but you promised your publisher a 400 page book. You know the style-- can't just say:  XYZ organization is based out of two modest trailers, but they're getting ready to move to nicer digs." One sentence. Relevant facts. No, you've gotta be like: "I arrived on a misty, moisty morning when the dew was slick on the grass. I walked ten timid steps to the door of the second blue-paneled trailer, and ascended the three damp, creaky stairs. The smell triggered reminiscences of crusty french baguettes in Paris and fancy dark beer in Belgium..."  It's like listening to your drunk uncle who can't get to the punchline of the joke because he's gone off on so many dumb tangents he's now forgotten what joke he was telling. Whatever happened to editing? Is that a thing anymore?

Once you've skimmed two chapters looking for actual info on the subject of the book, and still found nothing...  it's time to ditch the book.