A review by hevreadsherbooks
A Splash of Red by Antonia Fraser


My third DNF for February 2018 (so have listed it as 2016 so that it does not count in my book challenge). I went into this expecting a cosy mystery, with a reasonable pace and nice characters. Unfortunately, this is not what I got.

I found the dialogue very difficult to read, which disrupted my enjoyment of the book which was a shame as the characters seemed to be well thought out and established. However, this was just the beginning of my discomfort with the book. I found the break ins to her flat to be uncomfortable, and not adding anything to the story (especially the second one). I also didn't like that the view of a "strong, independent woman" was depicted alongside a woman who would sleep with a man despite saying that she felt uncomfortable beforehand (especially since he had broken into her flat). This annoyed me more than I care to mention and it was shortly after this that I stopped reading so I cannot comment on the rest of the book.

I would like to say that the publisher definitely knew how to market this book, despite that what is written on the blurb may not be what you are expecting. It is a shame, and I had hoped to get some enjoyment out of this book. I probably wont be reading any more of this series. What a shame.