A review by geoffreyg
Magic: An Anthology of the Esoteric and Arcane by Alison Littlewood, Robert Shearman, Sophia McDougall, Dan Abnett, Steve Rasnic Tem, Jonathan Oliver, Gemma Files, Paul Meloy, Storm Constantine, Liz Williams, Christopher Fowler, Will Hill, Sarah Lotz, Gail Z. Martin, Thana Niveau, Audrey Niffenegger, Lou Morgan


An excellent collection, ranging from the bizarre to the downright threatening. Inevitably, within an anthology, some stories stick in the mind more than others. I particularly liked 'The Wrong Fairy' by Audrey Niffenegger (author of The Time Traveller's Wife), and 'Mailer Daemon' by Sophia McDougall, both of which were very well crafted and required minimal suspension of disbelief. Don't be put off by the ghoulish cover; there's quality writing inside.