A review by andforgotten
Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close by Jonathan Safran Foer


I bought the book a few months ago, because it's on the list of one of my seminars, but when I tried to start reading it, I couldn't get into it at all. I'm not quite sure why - maybe it was the small font and the narrow pages that put me off, or that it's written with first person narrators, which I don't really like most of the times...
Instead, I decided to download the audiobook and by listening to the story it turned out a lot more interesting and gripping than I thought it would be. So interesting that last night at 1.30am I stopped the audiobook and finished the book by reading it because listening to it would have taken so much longer.

Since I always had a copy of the actual book, I was able to see the pictures and other things that obviously make this book very unique, but I thought it was translated into the audiobook very well, using 3 separate narrators and other techniques. The audiobook makes the story clearer, I think, because there are less distractions, but nonetheless I'm looking forward to the discussions in class.