A review by nhborg
The Left Hand of Darkness by Ursula K. Le Guin

DNF at 44%

Oh boy.. I’m so sad I didn’t like this. I don’t know what to say other than that this writing style really wasn’t for me. Personally I found it wayy to dry and descriptive, and my brain just shuts down when the paragraphs are peppered full of strange names of people, places, alien concepts. I felt like I was reading page after page and getting nothing out of it. It didn’t help that the audiobook narrator had the most lifeless, staggering, tedious reading voice I’ve ever heard (my apologies to the man behind it). Once in a while I arrived at a quirky formulation or a short presentation of an interesting concept, but it didn’t feel worth it to continue reading based on the low enjoyment:disinterest ratio. Is it wrong to say that I got a lot more out of the author’s introduction than the actual novel?