A review by authorashleyyoung
The Forever Girl by Rebecca Hamilton


The night I received The Forever Girl, and into the following evening, I read the entire book. Even during class (which was bad of me, but it was too good for me to put down.) When I did put it down, I couldn't help but want to finish reading because I wanted to know what was going to happen next.

The author definitely knows how to draw a reader in, suck them into the dimension of the book. I absolutely loved it!

The Forever Girl has an amazing plot and amazing characters. Sophie is my favourite and someone I think I can relate to, in part. An outcast of society kinda, HAHA! And Charles.... yah, Charles *squees!!!!*... that's all I'll say, LOL. And I loved, LOVED how she had everything paranormal: Vampires, Werewolves, Wiccans, scary things. My favourite things to read about!!!

I suggest giving this gem a read, and sit back and enjoy the journey in The Forever Girl!!