A review by ruthnessly
Reputations by Juan Gabriel Vásquez


Several of these passages were really lovely. Some of this was really great writing. I've wanted to read some Vasquez for a while and I found this scrolling through my kindle. I'm glad I finally did something I've vaguely thought about for a while!

That said, I really didn't take to this book that well -- like I said, some of the writing is lovely. I feel like it's a very rich setting. This isn't very long, but it is a good set up and it feels almost luxurious. There's a depth to the writing and a certainty which can summon years of work, of a life, pretty easily. The actual topic of this book I HAD NO IDEA ABOUT and wasn't aware of until after halfway through. It is, btw, sexual assault. It's also told from a male's POV, which was a little on the nose for me considering recent news items but hey. I guess I unwittingly picked something that could be a little timely.

I liked some of this much more than others. I liked the build up. I liked the setting. Some of the less focused paragraphs were gorgeous, when the words spread out from this particular setting and these particular characters to a more macro sense of the world. That was great! There were a number of odd scenes I didn't like or didn't care for. I don't really want to read much about. I feel a bit strange about this book. There's a persistent sense of concern with memory, as well as reputation -- I think the importance of it and the elusive nature of it is central to this book. But...I just felt cold. The disconnect was too broad for me. I wish I could figure out why, but I'm struggling with it! Nonetheless, I think this was fine, but not that enjoyable.