A review by tanja
Doctor Who: The Forgotten by Richard Starkings, Stefano Martino, Pia Guerra, Tony Lee, Nick Roche, Kelly Yates


This is a great comic book for the fans of Classic Who.
... but I'm probably not the right person to say this, considering that I've only seen a couple of Classic Who episodes and this is the first time I've read a Doctor Who comic book.

The story: The Tenth Doctor and Martha end up in a museum full of things that have something to do with The Doctor, but then The Doctor loses most of his memories. What follows is a whole lot of flashbacks featuring each of the previous incarnations of The Doctor. Each flashback has it's own little story and there's always something that will help The Doctor get out of his current trouble.

I liked the story a lot. There are plenty of good lines and some very unexpected scenes. It's very sad in places because it reminds you of everything The Doctor went through and all the people he's lost. How strange it must be for Martha to hear about those memories and people who used to be in her place. I thought the art could have been better, but I can't judge exactly how good it was, because the copy I received was of very poor quality.

Like I said before, I don't know much about Classic Who, so I don't know how correct the characterizations of previous Doctors are in this book, but I can say that I enjoyed them and now I'm even more interested in watching the original series.