A review by balthazarlawson
The Three Secret Cities by Matthew Reilly


jack West jr is never out of danger. Just when he thinks he and his family are safe, are dragged into another quest almost immediately. He is now on a quest to find the three secret cities but before that he needs to find three special weapons all this so they can find an alter and perform a special task to save the world.

Following the games in [b:The Four Legendary Kingdoms|29603980|The Four Legendary Kingdoms (Jack West Jr, #4)|Matthew Reilly|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1513257487l/29603980._SX50_.jpg|49943268] the royal world is thrown into turmoil and they all blame Jack West Jr. There are some who want revenge upon him and others who to take advantage of the situation. One does not know who to trust. But Jack is only interested in saving his family and the world.

This is another rollicking adventure and very enjoyable but only you are will to suspend reality and just go with the flow.