A review by mbenzz
Buster Midnight's Cafe by Sandra Dallas


I have now read all of Sandra Dallas' books, and this one was by far my favorite. I loved reading about Effa Commander, Whippy Bird, May Anna and the rest of the gang. They're such a fun bunch.

This book is about Effa Commander and Whippy Bird getting out the true story about the lives of their two best friends Marion Street (May Anna) and Buster Midnight. May Anna grew up to be a famous Hollywood starlet and Buster a champion boxer. This is mainly their tale, but we also get to learn about Effa and Whippy.

Hollywood has tarnished the reputation of Buster Midnight after a grizzly murder involving he and May Anna, and Effa and Whippy Bird are tired of it. So they've decided to 'set the record straight' and let everyone know the real Marion Street and Buster Midnight. How they grew up, what they were like and the relationship between all of them. And it's quite a story!

This is a really hard book to put down. If you're a fan of Ms. Dallas you'll LOVE this story. I was very sad to see it end. I really recommend this book, and only hope you'll enjoy it as much as I did.