A review by nbiblioholic
Beyond Bruised by Annie Hughes


Lydia Baker was a trip and through this story, I was along for her ride. In [b:Beyond Repair|28463679|Beyond Repair (Broken Girl #1)|Annie Hughes|http://images.gr-assets.com/books/1452085715s/28463679.jpg|48601725], she was living out loud, but due to her father's torment and what she factors in as her burden on those she loves, in this book she starts hiding. She says and does and is the "normal" person she deems that everyone needs her to be. And she's slowly dying inside.

Between her and Callum, who in my opinion was a changed man, one I came to really like and respect, I didn't know who I cared for more. They were both phenomenal characters in this book. Lydia with her own brand of crazy and Callum with his compassion and understanding, loving her right through it all.

My only real disappointment with this story was the lack of details with regards to the horrors Lydia faced growing up with her father. It's alluded to but it was still too vague. Then again, I have a dark and depraved mind and hungered to examine each wicked facet of her father's cruelty but not every reader is looking for that. Also, some of the language used kind of threw me off pace. For example, every time I read the word "whilst" instead of "while", it would cause my brain to stutter. I literally had to pause for a second, get my bearings, and then continue.

Overall, this was an enjoyable journey with amazing characters and I'll definitely be on the lookout for more books from this author.

Release Date: March 4, 2017
Genre: Contemporary
POV: Dual - 1st person
Steam: 3.5 out of 5
Book Type: Book 2 of the Broken Girl series