A review by reads_vicariously
Bad People by Craig Wallwork


When I’m getting strong vibes of Se7en, True Detective, and Red Dragon I know I’m reading something special. If you like any of those then you’re going to love this blend of horror and dark crime thriller. It’s tense, well-paced, chilling, and wonderfully written. It also deals with a sinister cult, so you know I’m hooked

I like how it bounces around from different characters’ perspectives (including the kidnapper), and while all the cast is great, Detective Nolan is definitely my favorite

It does this great thing where you’re introduced to a killer early on, leading you into a false sense of “I know what to expect”. But you don’t. You really don’t. Multiple twists I didn’t see coming, including a mind-blowing ending. Oh and it’s one of those stories where when things are going good for too long you’re waiting with bated breath for the other shoe to drop

I also like how specific and realistic all the police procedural and investigative terminology is. It’s thorough but interesting. Wallwork really seems to know his stuff (hopefully learned on the right side of the law...)

This book is amazing and I’m so excited there’s a sequel coming out soon! My full review will be posted on my blog and Goodreads. Special thanks to author @craig_wallwork for sending me a copy in exchange for an honest review!