A review by eliz_s
The Reeducation of Cherry Truong by Aimee Phan


This book ranges from a 3.5 to a 4.5 in my mind. Do not trust the jacket copy for a true summary of this work! It's misleading. My thoughts:

  • Even the title is misleading; while Cherry shows up in the most chapters/sections, she's far from the most prominent character.
  • The characters Phan has created here are fascinating, but I felt that there were too many. I got confused, even with the family tree at the front of the book.
  • I wasn't disappointed with this work, just surprised that the jacket copy was so wrong about it. The Reeducation of Cherry Truong is really a family study, with sections from different characters' viewpoints and a letter at the start of each chapter. It doesn't flow as well as I would like, but I still learned from it. I'd like to read more from Phan.