A review by bellarhysreads
Love, Lacey Donovan by Jill Brashear


This book left me confused in many ways…

I’m not quite sure how to structure my review, so, I’m just going to list the pros and cons and let you decide if it’s something you’re into….

It started off well, went down hill in the 2nd half of book.

I don’t understand why Beckett liked Lacey; they barely knew each. The romance moved too fast, not really insta love, but, still a bit too fast; One minute they’re meeting and going on one date, next thing, he apparently loves her?

Lacey’s whole jealously didn’t make sense. And her judgement about Beckett (& other authors) using pen names was wrong and not her place to judge.

I did not understand her whole reaction to the incident where she got spiked at the bar. It made no sense why she was defending Xan, whom she had only just met, so much. But, was mad at Beckett for actually caring and not trusting Xan’s explanation (as they shouldn’t, they don’t know him well). Also, we never actually got a conclusion to that plot; we still don’t know what really happened that night at the bar. So, that was disappointing.

I was also disappointed that her whole ordeal with her dad (and having to pay him back for her education) was also not explored further. I would have loved it if she had actually stood up for her self against him.

That all brings me to my main issue with this book. Lacey was unlikeable and had messed up priorities. Things she should have cared about, she didn’t. Instead, focusing on the wrong things…sigh.

I actually liked the bookish references.

Beckett was actually a sweetheart. I loved him (he deserved better than Lacey…smh).

The side characters were fun and I loved the banter they had.

A previous review stated the book was packed with sweetness. I actually liked that aspect of the book, it’s refreshing to read a book that is, at its core, a really sweet romance.

With all those cons, it might sound like I didn’t like the book. But, I actually did. Overall, even though the heroine was mostly unbearable, the book was pretty fun to read/listen to. It was also well written.