A review by yayyab
Ayoade on Ayoade: A Cinematic Odyssey by Richard Ayoade


This was a really fun read, he's a funny guy, that Ayoade. Ayoade's one of them witty, wry and generally entertaining people you wish were your friend. Except they never know when to stop or switch it off, so really you don't. But it's very easy to just close the book when your eyes begin to glaze over so actually it's fine in the end.
I like that there's slivers of cultural commentary here and there and it's quite consistent in its ludicrous tone. Ayoade's got a good way with words - often there are just standalone sentences that are great to read on their own. It's very occasionally problematic for no reason - sometimes it can feel like it's a sly dig at society's prejudices but it's hard to tell and ultimately may have been better off not mentioning the examples in question in the first place.
A book that'll brighten your day as soon as you remember to pick it up.