A review by andrearbooks
The Night Before by Wendy Walker


The Night Before by Wendy Walker was a thriller that I could not put down. Literally, y'all, I read it in one sitting. Laura decides to give online dating a go. However, when she doesn't return home, her older sister Rosie is convinced something terrible must have happened. The story is told through both Laura and Rosie's eyes. Laura's is told in the night before (annnd the title makes sense!), and Rosie's is told in the day after. Through alternating narrations, the timelines converge, and the truth is revealed. The twistiness of this one was so great! I thought for sure I had it figured out, and then the twists went in a completely different direction, and then they did again. This one isn't out until May (thanks for the sneak peek, St. Martins Press), and I feel quite confident in telling y'all that this will be a thriller that people are going to be buzzing about, and they 100% should be! Is the first week of the month too early for me to say this is one of the best thrillers of the year? Yeah, I didn't think so.