A review by ghostlydreamer
Chain Letter by Ruby Jean Jensen

Did not finish book.


Unfortunately, this is a Ruby Jean Jensen book that just didn't cut it. Ordinarily, I enjoy her writing. She's cliche and cheesy, and there really isn't any substance to her writing, but they're fun, especially if you're in the mood that flavor of horror. But right from the start, I wasn't sure if I'd like this one. I started reading RJJ's books because she wrote stories about creepy dolls. So I was a little reluctant to start one that had nothing to do with creepy dolls. But seeing as her books are a little harder to find and I already had it, I figured I might as well give it a try.

Let me start by saying this wasn't bad. But since it already wasn't something I was interested in, this one easily fell short for me. I just wasn't feeling it, which is why I stopped reading it. I left a bookmark in it thinking that I'd one day return to it, thinking it just wasn't the right time, but its been five years and I realize I will likely never go back. Thing is, I can see the appeal in this one. It's just not what I want out of a RJJ book. We all remember chain letters. And while this one is more of its time, I remember being a young middle schooler going on the internet, and every single youtube video seemed to have one of those spam chain letters sitting in the comments. Or my friends would send them to me via text, and I'd never have enough people to send them to in order to stave off whatever bad fortune might have befallen me if I did not. And at that age, a tiny little part of me wondered, "Well, what if these ARE true?" even though I knew that they were not deep down. So yeah, I can see the appeal. But it's not really a plot I want to read about in a book, you know? I could see a movie faring better than a book with this sort of plot, but hey, I think others would like this.

Like I said, it's not a bad book. But it's not what I wanted out of a book from this author, so there really wasn't any point in pursuing it.