A review by books_n_bananas
Fight Club by Chuck Palahniuk


Unfortunately, I saw the movie over a decade ago so I already was aware of the major plot twist of this book, but I wish I hadn't because it was so well done.
Despite knowing the ending, I loved every minute of it...
"Fight Club" is an easy read that is so in essence, Palahniuk. The detachment.. the nihilism.. the subtle brutality.. the question of identity.. it's all there.

I genuinely wish I hadn't seen the movie so I could come at this book with a blank slate.
But it's just so quotable. So iconic. It's hard not to enjoy it despite knowing where it was going and picturing Brad Pitt and Helena Bonham Carter the whole way through (by the way, top notch casting David Fincher).

Not my most accurate review, I'm sure, but I was biased from the beginning.. what can I say? It's Brad Pitt.