A review by lauriehnatiuk
Manatee's Best Friend by Sylvia Liu


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5 - Sentence Summary
Becca is shy and nervous in large groups struggling to talk, except for Missy, a manatee with whom she shares all of her thoughts. Becca loves manatees and worries about the many boats that ignore the slow wake zone in her waterfront home in Florida. An unexpected science project pairs her with her new neighbour Amelia and jokester Deion focusing on manatees. When Becca makes her video public showing a dolphin saving Missy and her calf from a speeding boat, it goes viral, and now Becca must navigate new friendships and an abundance of attention. On top of that, Becca's father and new neighbour plan to bring in more tourists meaning more boats that could hurt Missy and the manatees; Becca must find her voice.

4 - Opinions
I love that Sylvia Liu has chosen to highlight manatees. I had the chance to swim with them in Cyrstal River - something I had not intended to do and would love to do it again. Manatees are gentle giants, intriguing, and gives an unfamiliar animal a chance to be in the spotlight. Many readers will relate to the shyness and being uncomfortable speaking in public and see the growth of Becca finally overcoming her shyness to share her passion with the manatees. The awkwardness of figuring out friendships and the tension within her friend Amelia's family gives readers another connection. Finally, the relationship within Becca's family and Becca feeling she was not listened to by her father will also hit home for many. The story shares how kids their age can be activists and make a difference in the world today, and the animal connection will make this another popular read.

3 - Similar Titles
One Small Hop by Madelyn Rosenberg
The Adventure is Now by Jess Redman
The Last Bear by Hannah Gold

2 - Picture Book Connections
This is a Sea Cow by Cassandra Federman
Don’t Let Them Disappear by Chelsea Clinton

1 -Creator Contact
Sylvia Liu is on Twitter, Goodreads, Instagram and has a website.

First Line Blastoff
The bus ba-bumps over the root-crumbled corner of our street.