A review by novelheartbeat
Supergirl Mixtapes by Meagan Brothers


From my blog Auntie Spinelli Reads

I gave this book 2 stars (it was ok) even though it wasn't ok for me because I didn't really like it at all. But there wasn't anything fundamentally wrong with it except for the simple fact that it just wasn't for me. There was pretty much nothing happening for the first 3/4 of the book except a bunch of music jargon - all stuff about bands/singers I either a) don't like, b) don't give an ass rat's about, or c) have never even heard of. So all the talk about music that I'm not into really dragged the story down for me. Until the last quarter or so, that's basically all the book was about. I was bored for the majority of it, but kept reading in hopes of something happening. It never did.

In addition to not being able to connect to the story line, I also couldn't connect with the characters. The main character...Maria (had to look it up, already forgot) has to go through some pretty terrible stuff, but I never felt the empathy I should have for her and her situation. I couldn't relate to her and I felt very detached emotionally.

Anyone who is big into the Eagles, Nirvana, and Patti Smith would love this book. If you don't care, maybe not. But if you were planning to read this, don't scrap the idea just because of me. Who knows, maybe you'll love it like I wanted to. It just wasn't for me.

Plot: 1/5
There was little to no plot at all.
Writing Style: 3/5
Characters: 1/5
World-building: 3/5
Pace: 1/5

I had trouble getting through because I was so bored with it.
Cover: 5/5
I absolutely adore the cover, it's probably my favorite out there. Pity.

Overall rating: 2/5 starfish