A review by sanktasilver
The Myth of June by A.B. Daniels-Annachi


Thank you to A. B DANIELS-ANNACHI as well as Pacific Publications for giving me a free copy in exchange for an honest review.

Myth of June is the first book in The Violents series. The book is based on the story of Medusa and follows Juniper Georgian as she is thrown into the world of the Greek gods after her encounter with Poseidon.

First off, please check the CW's for this book before reading.

I really wanted to love this book. It has all of my favorite things: Greek gods, female lead, retelling of a tale we know. Unfortunately, the book did not live up to my expectations and that is because the world-building is not strong enough to carry the story. There is supposed to be a war brewing, but nothing in the book gives off the feeling of a war between the gods. There are gods thrown into the story with no back story and how they came to be in the mortal realm and banished from Olympus. There is too much left to the assumption that the reader should know the stories of these gods and their motivations.

June's story and character is also not developed enough for me, even though I knew her motivations I still could not stay with her and feel alongside her. There are hints that June is a woman of colour, but I'm not too sure because there is not much said in that regard.