A review by elygreen
The Hunger Games, by Suzanne Collins


Having run out of good audiobooks, I randomly picked up this in my library app, needing some comfort food for my literary soul. The narrator is Tatiana Maslany (of Orphan Black and She Hulk fame), and I can quite honestly say, she blew me away. I enjoyed this version of the book so much more than the original reading. It's almost like I need to hear Katniss' voice and thoughts voiced out loud to make the story come to life in my head.

A pet peeve of mine, also, is when books have songs in them - it always makes me feel so awkward when I've no music to go by, and it inevitably breaks the pace of the book. Tatiana sang the one song in this book, and it brought tears to my eyes. Simple, sweet, tender and at a crucial moment in the story. (Side eyeing The Hunger Games prequel here with its endless amount of songs in it, which fell flat and weren't enjoyable as I tried to hum them into awkward existence inside my head).

Now I've got to wait until December until the next book becomes available...