A review by yangyvonne
The Headmaster's Dilemma by Louis Auchincloss


Michael Sayre is the headmaster of Averhill. He and his wife, Ione, attempt to carve-out a life in this New England town. Michael faces opposition on the board of trustees from his old (jealous) schoolmate Donald Spencer. As Averhill makes needed changes to keep up with the times, Donald vies for power. When an incident between two students causes a parent to threaten suit, Donald seizes the opportunity to try and bring Michael to a disastrous end. But, in the end, it all works out and peace is restored at Averhill.

It is weird to think this story is set in the 1970's because it easily could have been the 1930's or any time leading-up to the present. You have to know Auchincloss' style to be able to overlook the stereotypes and immerse yourself in his world of privilege and WASPiness. I liked the interaction between Michael and Ione and how she worked behind the scenes in his best interest. Donald was a lunatic, but believable and the scandal could have happened in any time period at any boarding school or even group home or camp situation. Well worth the read at under 200 pages!