A review by michalice
American Honey by Ashley Johnson, Scarlett Metal, Heidi McLaughlin, H.J. Bellus, Carey Heywood, Jennifer Foor, Megan Smith, Marissa Carmel, Chelsea Landon, Melissa Collins


This review is not a review of the anthology, American Honey, as a whole, but rather a review of one of the stories The Re-education of Savannah McGuire. My main reason for getting American Honey was for this story alone. As soon as the anthology had downloaded I had it open to The Re-education of Savannah McGuire. I am HUGE fan of Heidi's, and could not wait to start this story, I began reading with an eagerness I feel every time I read her books, and I was not disappointed.

As I make my way through this anthology I will hopefully be adding reviews for the other stories, but for now I'm going to share my thoughts on this one.

The Re-education of Savannah McGuire is just as the title says, Savannah finds herself being taught a lot of . Savannah is packed off and sent to stay with her Aunt Sue and Uncle Bobby in their farm, she is to be home schooled, but also work on the farm to make amends for being caught. For savannah the farm is a long distant memory of days that where, and all of a sudden this city girl finds herself back again, having to face distant memories and faces she once called friends. Savannah, or Vanna, is a city girl through and through, and her instant response to being on the farm had my in stitches.

'There's no war I liked living here. It's dirty and nature make my skin hurt'.

Tyler is an old friend of Savannah's, and it's been years since they last spoke, their friendship cut off as sudden as Savannah's move to the city. Tyler is somewhat looking forward to seeing her again, but is in for a shock when he gets city Savannah,, and not farm girl Savannah, his old best friend. His initial response isn't exactly the best 'welcome back to the country' for Savannah, and I do think she holds this as a grudge against Tyler, making him work even harder to get the friendship back again.

The interaction between Tyler and Savannah and the constant ups and downs, backwards and forwards, definitely kept me entertained. The lifestyle that they have on the farm feels so welcoming, and relaxing, even I would love to go there. I finished readingĀ The Re-education of Savannah McGuire far quicker than I expected, and when I got to the end I could not believe it was over. I need to next instalment now, I need to find out what happens.