A review by corpsewitch
The Old Guard #5 by Greg Rucka


(this is for my review of issues #1-5 because they were pretty short and they all kinda blurred together so I don't have specific reviews for each one individually)

like a lot of people, I read the comics after watching the movie on netflix. I enjoyed the film, but I had some issues with it. I read the comics because I was hoping they would have done some things better. but the movie was actually a fairly accurate adaptation and a lot of the problems I had with the movie I had with the comics as well. if anything, I think the movie is easier to follow along and does a good job with expanding on things that comics don't get to. my biggest problem was with the characters and the found family aspect. in both the comics and the movie, a lot of the characters aren't well defined in my opinion, specifically joe and nicky in both the movie and the comics, and nile in the comics.

the comics don't have a lot of time to develop the characters and relationships, so they all overall feel very flat and forgettable. though I will admit comics are a very new medium to me, and I'm used to novels and tv shows that get a lot of time to develop characters, and I understand comics are a lot more limited with that kinda time.

I've been reading a lot of reviews for the comics, and the biggest complaint I see is about the art style. a lot of people really hate the way the faces are drawn, and I admit I'm not a huge fan of the faces either, and they took me a while to get used to. but I think there's actually some rly cool art in here. I rly like the way the artist uses a heavy amount of black in the darker panels. they look almost abstract, and rly eye-catching.

I'm torn between 2.5 stars and 3 stars. I found the overall story and characters to be underwhelming and forgettable, and there were elements that were very underused. I actually prefer the movie a little bit because nile had more characterization and some subplots in the comic weren't written very well in my opinion. but I did enjoy it: it was a fun change from what I normally read and I'm definitely going to be looking into the next miniseries. there wasn't too much I rly liked about these comics, but giving it less than 3 stars doesn't seem right to me. idk what else to say. objectively I wasn't a huge fan, but it was fun and quick and I'm glad I read it.