A review by bookbriefs
Stupid Love by Cindy Miles


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Stupid Love is the third and final book in the New Adult contemporary romance series, Stupid in Love. Stupid Love is the story of Memory and Jace. It is a companion book to Stupid Girl, and Stupid Boy, but like the first two books it focuses on a new couple. This is a very popular trend in new adult. Series books, each featuring a novel that "stands alone" about a different couple. While I typically like series to follow the same characters, I do enjoy romances in this vein if the characters are well done and if each book is able to feel complete on its' own. Cindy Miles does an excellent job with each of those things, and it is for those reasons that I love her Stupid in Love series so much.

Stupid Girl made my favorites of 2014. I loved it so much! I really liked Stupid Boy a lot too, but it was hard to recreate the love that I felt for Olivia and Brax, the couple from the first book. Stupid Love came right in the middle of books one and books two as far as my love of the couple. Olivia and Brax are still my favorite but I did love Memory and Jace a lot. So if I had to pick, I would say that I enjoyed this book less than the first book, but only by a little. It is my second favorite in the series.

Memory has had a hard past, and she still has some secrets that are held just out of reach of the readers (and Jace) for most of the story. Nope, I'm not ruining the secret! I loved watching Memory and Jace interact. Their story line was nothing revolutionary in the world of New Adult. Set at college- memory has lost her parents and Jace works and like to keep his nose out of drama, but it totally worked for me. Cindy Miles does such an excellent job with he characters and with telling a story and building up her romance that the cliches worked in the favor of the story. I really felt every single struggle and up and down. Stupid Love,and the whole stupid in love series, feels very emotional and raw. I just love this series.

The Stupid in Love Series is an excellent addition to the new adult genre. The romances are rich and gratifying. These are feel good books and they are so well done. If you have not read this series yet, you need to. But start with Stupid Girl. Each of the books work as standalones and can be read independently, but Stupid Girl is so amazing. So trust me and read that one first. Stupid Love is a high quality romance between two tortured individuals. If you are a fan of new adult romance that is well done, this series is a must read!

This review was originally posted on Book Briefs