A review by serenaac
Stolen Air: Selected Poems of Osip Mandelstam by Osip Mandelstam, Christian Wiman


Stolen Air by Osip Mandelstam, translated by Christian Wiman is a selection of poems from Mandelstam’s entire career translated from his non-native Russian into English. The introduction is rather long, but with good reason as it strives to capture a poet that was always evolving and striving to breath new life into the Russian language and to provide a voice to those seen as outsiders of the government. Living through WWI and a Russian revolution, Mandelstam — a Poland born Jew who moved to Russia with his parents — became an exile and later died in a Siberian transit camp in 1938 after being arrested.

Read the full review: http://savvyverseandwit.com/2012/05/stolen-air-by-osip-mandelstam-translated-by-christian-wiman.html