A review by nesdy
Sex, Lies & Statistics by Belle de Jour, Brooke Magnanti


I really liked this. I've done research on the relationship of sexual violence and porn before, and everything Magnanti says here is pretty much true: all the academic articles you can read are either biased, don't prove anything at all, or are very inconclusive.

I don't agree with all of Magnanti's opinions here, but I think she does a great job of proving how a lot of the literature used to support certain anti-prostitution laws is garbage. It does become a bit boring at times, because she's refuting everything properly with data and such. As she should. I'm just saying, it's not a riveting read by any means.

I especially liked the final chapter, where she includes the deposition in full. I think that conversation clarifies a lot of questions readers might have about prostitution, especially regarding decrim vs legalization and such. I know I finally understood what the problems are in regards to the German and Swedish models, which is something I hadn't fully grasped before. 

I would really recommend this book. Her main approach to all this is that you can't legislate prostitution without ever having talked to a sex worker before, and I think she's 100% right.