A review by girgir81
History's Greatest Decisions And The People Who Made Them by Bill Price


Moderately interesting. A bit disappointing at the same time.

I had expected a few more “recent history” stories, a lot more female-led decisions and a few more cheerful decisions.

It was concise and fast though, summarizing each decision quite well.

After finishing the book and reflecting on its content, I found it very depressing with around 80% of the decisions involving war, apartheid, racism and just plain ugly greed. The remaining measly 20% celebrated whatever scientific discoveries and technological advancements the human race could muster.

I am sure there have been a lot more “positive” decisions made along the way and perhaps it would have been a good choice to have 2 editions of this book categorized under “distant history” and “recent history”?

Anyway, below is a list of the decisions i enjoyed reading about the most:

- Inventing the internet
- Steve Jobs’ return to apple
- Inventing the Gutenberg printing press
- Rosa Parks refusing to stand up